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"A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering cold iron."

        - Horace Mann// 

About Us

PROBLEM Nowadays, as humanity progress into the modern world with constantly developing tools and technology that can be utilized by almost all sectors of human functions. However, our education has yet to catch up, being outdated by old-fashioned curriculum and instruction styles that are barely suitable for the fast-paced, immediate and visual learning styles of the current generation of students.


SOLUTION Education for Now is an organization that has invented an action plan for the steps necessary for an education reform movement that focuses on the usage of technology and optimization to evolving learning styles of the students of today, called FUTUREed. This action plan, titled AEON, is one that involves the promotion of curriculum and instruction reconstruction to bring out the highest productivity of each student through the implementation of available technology that simultaneously combines entertainment and learning in order to allow students to constantly work at peak effectiveness. 


MISSION To raise Awareness for education reform and technology input, Experiment with the new curriculum, Obtain popular interest from nationwide institutions and education legislatures, and Necessitate the curriculum within the education system on an expanded scale.

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